Who were the first settlers of Laguna Beach?
Merle and Mabel Ramsey in their book “The First 100 Years in Laguna Beach 1876 - 1976” write the following: The Laguna Beach Historical Society thanks the Ramsey family for permission to publish this information.
“Joseph Thurston came to Aliso Canyon with the family in November 1871 when he was 3 years old. William H. Brooks homesteaded 169 acres in the territory in 1876 near Arch Beach. He sold it later for fifty dollars.”
“John Damron homesteaded many acres in 1878 and built a home in what was then known as "The Flats" above Arch Beach. He lived there while he ranged his stock over the hill country. Although Damron did not live in what is now the city of Laguna Beach, he did homestead a large portion of what is now known as Temple Hills and ‘Rogers Addition’ which later became the business district. His homestead ran east to Canyon Acres Drive. In 1880 he sold all the land to George Rogers for $1,000. To prove up the land, Rogers planted eucalyptus trees on the level land and began building a home that later became a landmark - The Old Ranch House, where the City Hall stands today.”
 “Rogers began his homestead in 1887 by subdividing the level portion of his land. Being spurred on by the building boom, Rogers did not realize that property sales were beginning to decline. No one was interested in the small lots for $10 each.”
Purchased “in 1919 for $24,000, [Joseph] Thurston …began to layout Temple Hills.”